Queanbeyan Conservation Alliance

Supporters of the proposed EDE on track to secure control of council – a disaster for our community and environment

It appears that candidates supporting the proposed Ellerton Drive Extension (EDE) will secure a majority (six) on Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Community, based on the current status of vote counting.

This is a set back for our campaign to stop this wasteful and destructive road project.

It’s a tragedy for everyone living along the proposed EDE route, Edwin Land Parkway and old Cooma St who will be exposed to more air and noise pollution, and for the wildlife in the pathway of the proposed EDE.

And it’s a disaster for our community because at least $86 million (the full cost has still not been revealed) will be wasted on a road that won’t deliver improvements we need to traffic, including keeping heavy vehicles out of the main street.

But we’re not finished yet. There is still no contract awarded for the proposed EDE and we are still working on how to scrap the road project.

Details of the election result are below.

All first preference votes have been counted. The following candidates have achieved a quota:

Group A – Tim Overall; Trudy Taylor; Peter Bray; Michele Biscotti

Group B – Trevor Hicks

Group C – Mark Schweikert (Liberal)

Group D – Brian Brown (Country Labor)

Group F – Kenrick Winchester

The final three positions will be filled after preferences are distributed. As there is no formal lodgement of preference flows, it’s not possible to accurately forecast who will occupy these positions.

However, based on current quotas, we anticipate the following candidates will be elected:

Group D – Radmila Noveska (Country Labor)

Group E – Pete Harrison (Community Voice)

Group J – Peter Marshall (The Greens).

Counting may be completed by mid-week. You can follow the count.


This entry was posted on September 11, 2017 by in News.